
"Flowers for the Fallen" A memorial painting for the 9 Fallen Charleston Firefighters

Fort Moultrie National Monument flying the American Flag at half mast is the subject of of this painting in memory of 9 Charleston firefighters who lost their lives in the line of duty this week.

The row of wild flowers in the foreground seemed to make a natural setting with the fort and flag for a memorial. painting. This tragedy is the largest loss of fireman's lives in the line of duty since 9/11. Our hearts go out to their families.

The City of Charleston's Firemans Fund is accepting donations for the families of the firefighters. The Fireman's Fund address is PO Box 304, Charleston, SC. 29402.jFor a complete list of places to donate and fundraisers, go to www.charleston.net.

"Flowers for the Fallen"
11" x 14"
Oil on canvas panel

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